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Congratulations to THIEN NGUYEN of Emmanuel College on winning the logo design competition for the 2017 ACC Art & Technology Exhibition. The competition was held during Term 3 and was open to students from all of our member schools, with around 30 entries short listed for the consideration of the ACC Arts Committee. After much deliberation, Thien’s entry was selected as the best design and will therefore feature in all promotional activities for next year’s event.
The Exhibition returns to Federation Square during late May / early June, with items on display in The Atrium and Deakin Edge. There will be around 240 items featured in the Exhibition and it is sure to attract much interest from within our schools and the wider Arts community.
Some background details about the winning logo design have been provided by Thien:
“I spent many hours working on designs that were quite formal and intricate and then just for a bit of relief I started to play around with shapes. I quite liked what I came up with.
The layered geometric shapes are a good representation of both art and technology and the bright colours of the logo create a festive, playful air which effectively represent the celebratory nature of the exhibition”.
Thien Nguyen
Year 11 Visual Communication and Design student at Emmanuel College, St Paul’s campus.
Further information about Thien’s entry were provided by Sophia Wolan, Assistant Leader of Learning – The Arts, at St Paul’s Campus of Emmanuel College:
“Thien Nguyen is in Year 11 (2016). He is a hard-working and talented student who has a great sense and appreciation of the aesthetic and functional dimensions of design. He often spends hours making minute changes to his work in order to achieve the optimal result.
He was not able to undertake Studio Art in Year 11, so during lunchtimes and early leave days he would come to the art room and create pieces such as his sculpture of a Roman centurion which is part of the exhibition. In Year 12, Thien will be undertaking Studio Art, Visual Communication Design and Product Design Technology and is hoping to study Industrial Design in 2018″.
Congratulations once again to Thien and to Emmanuel College.