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Culture, responsibility, leadership expectation, these were the topics that formulated the questions asked of our 2024 sport leaders on Wednesday, as they undertook a workshop in leadership development at Mazenod College in Mulgrave. Around 150 Year 11 students listened to guest speakers, explored what leadership means in a school sport context, as well as engaging with each other through structured and interactive learning experiences. Don Elgin and Luke Wintle presented thought-provoking, entertaining and informative content. Dom Scarpino conducted a physical challenge session where the students were placed into small groups and taken through a series of competitive exercises, with a focus on developing teamwork and strategy. All of these activities took these young men out of their comfort zone and forced them to quickly develop a connection with students from other ACC schools.
Any opportunity that the ACC can offer to help our young students develop into mature and engaging young leaders is fantastic. This workshop is a highlight on the annual calendar and always delivers positive outcomes for those involved. Our Year 11 students of today will grow into our leaders of tomorrow, both on the sporting field and in the wider community. We wish them well on their journey!
Link to photos – HERE