Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
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Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
What a day of ACC Sport! With some hot action on track and some sensational field event performances, the 2021 Athletics Championship will prove to be a memorable experience for all involved. The warm day and the fantastic surrounds of…
Congratulations to Jack Hartnett on receiving the first ACC SSAV Sportsmanship Award. Jack is the Tennis Captain for Whitefriars College and plays at the number one rank in tennis. Jack leadership at the number one rank helped set the tone…
The annual Leadership Launch was held last Wednesday, withSalesian College in Chadstone welcoming around 70 guests to celebrate Eucharist, share a meal and listen to each of the 2021 College Captains as they talked about their respective schools. For many,…