Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
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Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
What a day of ACC Sport! With some hot action on track and some sensational field event performances, the 2022 Athletics Championship will prove to be a memorable experience for all involved. The warm overcast day and the fantastic surrounds…
Yesterday the ACC hosted the debating and public speaking competition online. Year 7 & 8 students from various schools across the Association competed to be this years champion. We would like to congratulate Mazenod College on winning the Junior Division…
On Monday boys from Years 7-10 competed in the 2021 ACC Junior Golf Championship. It was a cool start to the day but that quickly cleared to make it ideal playing conditions. Division 1 & 2 groups carted around Northern…