Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
Please ensure that you have updated your favourites link for the ACC website.
Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
The Term 1 Grand Finals were held on Wednesday 15/3/23 at various venues around Melbourne. There were a total of five premierships up for grabs. St Bede’s and Whitefriars College took to the tennis courts at Melbourne Park. Whitefriars were…
What a day of ACC Sport! With some hot action on track and some sensational field event performances, the 2023 Athletics Championship will prove to be a memorable experience for all involved. The warm day and the fantastic surrounds of…
It is with great excitement that the ACC are now able to unveil the new branding of the Association. The logo created with a professional style guide, looks to capsulate the ACC and its new tagline, “Achieve, Collaborate, Celebrate”. We…