Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
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Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
Congratulations to Mazenod College (Year 10 Division 1), Emmanuel College (Year 10 Division 2) and St Bede’s College (Year 9) on winning their respective ACC Aggregate Award for 2018. This award covers all weekly sporting competitions and it is presented…
Congratulations to St Bernard’s College (Senior Division 1) and Simonds Catholic College (Senior Division 2) on winning their respective Aggregate Awards for 2018. These awards combine results from all weekly fixtured sports across the year, meaning that they were the…
Term 2 Aggregate Results are now confirmed following the conclusion of the sporting program yesterday. Click on the links below to view the final ranking for each sport / year level, as well as progressive results for the overall best…