Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
Please ensure that you have updated your favourites link for the ACC website.
Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
Please ensure that you have updated your favourites link for the ACC website.
Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
In addition to weekly sports and championships, our Association is also involved in various events and activities.
In late November each year, all of the student leaders for the following year gather together to celebrate Eucharist, share a meal and meet with follow school captains and vice captains in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Each College Captain is invited to speak briefly about his school – what makes it unique, what values it espouses and what it would like to be known for in the community. It is always a wonderful celebration of student leadership, as well as a recognition of the commonalities amongst the member schools of our Association.
The Association conducts two golf tournaments each year – the Open Championship at Northern Golf Club (Glenroy) in May and the 7-10 Championship at Northern Golf Club in October. They are both stroke events and involve a shot-gun start at 8:30am. Schools are allowed to have 8 participants, with the top 4 scores collated to provide a team score.
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The triathlon competition is held in conjunction with Triathlon Victoria as part of their regular summer series. The results from the official event timing company are used in the awarding of banners for various event categories. For event details, visit the Victorian Schools Triathlon Championship website: http://www.victorianschoolstriathlonchampionships.com.au
We are blessed with the outstanding leadership displayed by the students from our member colleges. Each school works hard to ensure that the young men in their care develop strong leadership qualities. This is particularly evident on the sporting field, as shown by the commitment of all schools toward the ACC Leadership program. Each year in October, the future sporting leaders of each school are invited to take part in a leadership development workshop for ACC sport. During this forum, students interact and discuss various dilemmas that they may face as sporting leaders. We always have a high calibre guest speaker, along with several other presenters who challenge and engage the students. All participants come away from this workshop with a clear understanding of what it means to be a leader within an ACC context.
In 2008, the ACC held its first ever combined music concert at Hamer Hall – “ACCent on Music”. The event proved to be a fantastic success and further concerts were subsequently held in 2014 and 2018, with our most recent concert held in September 2022. This event really is collaboration at its finest. The incredible work done by the Music staff enables over 600 students to enjoy the experience of performing in the most iconic concert hall in Victoria.
There are a number of workshop days during the year that each school is able to participate in. These activities are participation based, and often involve high quality guest presenters that educate the participants and provide in-depth knowledge on specialist music areas. Workshops include: Vocal ensemble, Concert Band ensemble, Stage Band ensemble, Percussion ensemble & Rock Music workshop which also features the hotly contested Battle of the Bands.
The ACC conducts an annual competition for Open, Intermediate & Junior Debating. We are very well supported by the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) who work with us to ensure a high standard of competition and constructive feedback for all participants.
Public speaking competitions are held across Open, Intermediate and Junior divisions, with students delivering a range of prepared and impromptu speeches in from of adjudicators from the Debaters Association of Victoria.
The ACC hosts a one day workshop each year aimed at Year 9 Drama students. A range of guest presenters conduct a wide variety of workshops, enabling the participants to gain a valuable insight into the numerous avenues of performing arts.
The Pitch Competition involves a small group of students from participating schools developing an idea and “pitching” it to an audience. The idea could be a business innovation or a social solution that could make a difference to an individual, their community or to Australia. A panel of expert judges oversees the competition and selects the winning team based on the criteria provided.
The Association held its inaugural Arts & Technology Exhibition in April 2013, at Federation Square in Melbourne. In 2015, the event was held at Abbotsford Convent, whilst in 2017 we returned to Fed Square with the exhibition featuring some incredible works in The Atrium and The Edge. Our most recent event was held in 2021, featuring over 200 works by students across Years 7 – 12 at Fed Square.
This event is held in conjunction with the Australian Culinary Federation and involves a team of 4 junior chefs from each school cooking up a culinary masterpiece using set criteria. The final product is judged by the ACF staff on practice, preparation, presentation and taste.